Quick2 DOS software version 1.0

Quick2 DOS software version 1.0
Quick2 published by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Two agencies with three national programs converge within GIS...

Two agencies with three national programs converge within GIS and fill a void in risk mapping. USGS 1M DEM access on The National Map (TNM), USGS StreamStats, and FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL). The GIS software used for development is QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System). The process also supports a second FEMA effort known as Base Level Engineering (BLE).

A current GIS method and process built around the DOS program Quick2 as published by FEMA to compute water-surface elevations in open channels of all types. The Quick-2 Tutorial exposes the user to single-lot and multiple-lot case studies. The DOS program has been combined with DOSBox, a free and open-source emulator that runs software for MS-DOS compatible disk operating systems, primarily video games.

Quick2 requires inputs measured by standard GIS methods and discharge values that can be provided by StreamStats and Base Level Engineering resources. A spreadsheet is then used to collect measurements and values formatting a text file input for Quick2. Another national layer used is USGS Landcover that provides the bases for Manning's N values needed in the calculation.

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The National Map, a collaborative effort led by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), plays a crucial role in providing topographic information for the United States.

StreamStats is a powerful web application that provides essential streamflow statistics and other hydrological information. 

The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) is a geospatial database maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

FEMA Base Level Engineering (BLE) is an automated riverine hydrologic and hydraulic modeling approach that builds on lessons learned to produce a base line understanding of a community’s flood risk.


FEMA Quick2 DOS Program

Quick2 is DOS based software created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published with FEMA 265 - MANAGING FLOODPLAIN DEVELOP...