Quick2 is DOS based software created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published with FEMA 265 - MANAGING FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENTINAPPROXIMATE ZONE A AREASA GUIDE FOR OBTAINING AND DEVELOPINGBASE (100-YEAR) FLOOD ELEVATIONS dated APRIL 1995:
"This guide was developed for use by community officials, property owners, developers, surveyors, and engineers who may need to determine Base (100-year) Flood Elevations (BFEs) in special flood hazard areas designated as approximate Zone A on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Maps published as part of the National Flood Insurance Program. One of the primary goals of this document is to provide a means of determining BFEs at a minimal cost.
The guidance provided herein is primarily intended for use in riverine and lake areas where flow conditions are fairly uniform, and do not involve unusual flow regimes (rapidly varying flow, two-dimensional flow, supercritical flow, hydraulic jumps, etc.).
This guide is not to be used for areas that experience alluvial fan flooding or areas that contain characteristics of alluvial fan flooding. In addition, this guide is not to be used in Zone V (velocity) areas or coastal Zone A areas that are subject to flooding due to storm surge from hurricanes and other coastal storms. Furthermore, guidance on determining regulatory floodways is not provided in this guide."
The download file on this site is the original Quick2 version 1 DOS based program that has been repackaged and now includes a DOSBOX emulator to run with Microsoft Windows. This program is provided as-is and is only intended for educational purposes.